Sunday, September 23, 2012


Hi and welcome to my blog. I'm Jenn, a stay at home mom of 2 little girls and a total addict to creating. I have been creating as long as I remember and since the last few years feel like a creative hurricane. I just can't stop!

This is my first time here and I must say, it wasn't easy starting this blog. Being a crafter in my case means having some difficulty with the digital world. On top of that I'm quite impatient so it took me a loooong time to finally go online and figure out how this all works. But considering how I love to read blogs and all the inspiration I get from the net, I just couldn't stay behind.  

So here I am. This is the place where I will show you my creations. Mostly crochet but also sewing and other crafts. Considering it took me so long to go online I do have some things to show you already.

I've been learning to crochet for 3 years now and I'm starting to get a hang of it. The first project I'd like to share with you is this old secondhand chair I bought 2 months ago. It was supposed to stand in my craft room in the attic, but it turned out so beautiful we decided to let it stay in the living room. It really lifts up the room. 

I'm also proud because it was the first pattern I made up myself. It took some time to make it just 'perfect'. I  must admit though that when I was finished it was a bit too loose. Better luck next time...

Anyway, I still love the result. I'm curious to hear what you think about it. Please let me know.

I'll be back soon with more completed projects!



  1. I found you through the CreJJtion blog.
    Gorgeous work. I love to crochet too, I started about 14 years ago!

  2. Thanks Becci. Nice to meet you.

  3. That has to be one of the most beautiful crochet creations I've EVER seen!! Wow, I'm so impressed, just A-MA-ZING :)

  4. I adore this project! It gives me an idea for a favorite chair in my living room that could benefit from a crochet cover that is colorful, like this one! Pretty and very inviting to guests and family to come take a seat and relax. :-)
