Thursday, April 18, 2013

Happy Day

Got some Snail Mail today from Sylvia. Her blog is very nice and the mail she sent me was very happy and cheerful. Thank you Sylvia! I will send you some Snail Mail soon...

Stuff like this would make anybody happy, right?? You can join her Snail Mail on her blog.

Had a craft night with some friends on monday. We did the Journal DIY and it was so much fun. I really like the results. 

This was a short one. Hope you're happy and enjoying the sun (although it's quite windy, or how my 3 year old calls it: wintery)!

1 comment:

  1. Hoi, toen ik thuis kwam van de Haak-in ben ik meteen gaan kijken naar je blog. Je bent inderdaad een bezig creatief bijtje! Hartstikke leuk!!

