Monday, November 25, 2013


Yes, I know, I would be talking Christmas Crochet Gifts last week... Well, I was having a little  crochet meltdown. I did crochet some christmas gifts (some would say they are easter gifts...), but after my third egg cozy, I flipped. Nothing is as boring as repeating a single crochet (in the same color no less) for who knows how many rounds. This is why I've never made a single amigurumi in my life, it's plain BORING!!! To me it is anyway...

So I started an affaire. With FELT. Wanted to make some christmas ornaments and found this pin in Pinterest. How lovely are they? And since felt is an old lover of mine, I went back to my ex for a bit. It's so fun and easy. No loose ends to finish of, no endless yarn, no hook. Just some felt (in every color of the rainbow), a needle and a few buttons here and there and your DONE.

And although I haven't made a lot, my affair didn't last long. I'm missing my True Love already. I need to get me another yarn fix. A hook, some stitches, the familiar feeling of RSI in my wrist... What can I say, I'm a hooker through and through...

Anywho, how do you like the felt mustaches?? Thought they were an extra nice feature during Movember...

Made a new potholder pattern too. I saw something like this in my mother in law's kitchen. They were about a hundred years old and clearly ready for replacing, so I made these for her. I really like the pattern. It's so easy and they look stylish. I think I'll make a few pair for my Etsy shop (opening in January...)

I might be out for the rest of the week. These are busy times. In Holland we not only celebrate christmas, but also Sinterklaas. Our kids are out of their minds with tension and this will last for 3 weeks (another 1 and a half to go). After that, there's christmas and after new years normal life will start again... Oh, how great is december??!!

Have an over easy monday.

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  1. I love felt, too, and your ornaments are adorable!!!
    Your potholders are another good idea!!!
    xxxxx happy week, Ale

  2. I am so glad I am not the only person that doesn't enjoy making amigurumi, and believe me I have tried making them...they are just not relaxing as crocheting a granny square or something like that. I do love everything you have made here though, even your little felt decorations :D

    1. Thanx Hazel. Always nice to get your comments!

  3. I hate it to do only single crochet. Amigurumi, not yet, perhaps one day I will try one. But only a small one. You can make one egg cozy per day, then it isn't so boring and you can have fun with other Projects.


  4. Ik ben anders absoluut fan van die eiverwarmers. Subliem met die snorren, is er ook een vrouwelijke versie van :-)
    En weer zo een mooie kleurcombinaties voor je kerstmaaksels.
    Ik ben en blijf een grote fan van jou

    1. Wow wat een compliment. En nee, ik denk niet dat er een vrouwelijke versie van komt... Ik vond het echt niet leuk om te doen! Kreeg er zere vingers van. Ik moet nog wel een vierde maken... ooit...

  5. Love the moustaches! And feel the same about single crochet, but always like the outcome so sometimes I just decide to suffer a bit..

  6. You are certainly NOT alone on the single crochet front and for that matter the Amigurumi front. Love your pretty felt decorations and I can see just how much fun they were to make. Sweet moustaches too xoxo

  7. This is going to be a generic comment...although I don't love doing all single crochet either!
    I totally am IN LOVE with your blog! I stumbled onto it via pinterest and it's becoming one of my favourite little places on the internet. :) Thanks for posting so much lovely!

    1. Thank you Mokita! Such a nice compliment. You're very welcome

  8. HayHay!
    Wat een mooie creaties heb je gemaakt!
    De vilten kerstboomhangers zijn erg leuk!
    Ik heb afgelopen week een kerstboom gehaakt! Ja ik kan haken :-)
    Liefs Danielle
