Monday, April 14, 2014

And The Winner Is...

Thanks everyone, for your nice comments and responds to my April Give-Away and my new craft room. I'm still not sure of the colors I'll choose for my wall, but I'll figure it out. It's already a great pleasure to be in this light and spacious room and I've been sitting here every day since I moved. Much better than the attic, where it's quite dark and all the sloped (is this the right word??) ceilings aren't very practical. Although for sleeping the attic is perfect! And I know, 'cause I've been in bed for the last 2 days (yes, also on my man's b-day...) and will be, in about 15 minutes, again... laryngitis...

But now, the moment you've all been waiting for... AND THE WINNER IS.... Magda from Pigtails! Have fun with it Magda! I especially like the fact that you can share it with your daughter.

Although I've been sick, that doesn't mean I didn't crochet, obviously. I started another scraps project. I kinda like it, but don't at the same time. It's weird for me... What do you think? I did decide my pile of yarn scraps must be gone by the end of this year, or let's say, the end of June. To keep myself busy... Have other ideas too.

Well, it's off to bed for me, now (with a few feel good movies and my scraps of yarn). Have a healthy day!

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  1. ありがとう Thank you Baie Dankie! I am so lucky and am doing the happy dance at the moment! The Teen and I will both enjoy the patterns and have some fun hooky time together over the holidays. She was over the moon when she saw the book was written by a Japanese since she is currently doing Japanese as her 6th language and loves everything Japanese culture at the moment. I love your blanket and think it a fantastic way to be using up all the scraps. I am curious about the black/white fabric. Is it a photo prop or do you intend to line the blanket? I am thinking it would be an interesting backing actually. Cheers and thank you so much for making our day here at the Pigtails Palace!!

    1. You are very welcome! I love it when a Give-Away is welcomed in this manner. You are always so cheery and fun! The black and white background is my butt-ugly but super comfortable Poang chair from IKEA. I like the pillow, but the chair itself is so ugly!! I love to sit in it though and crochet away...

  2. I like your project. It's funky, and I like funky. Hope you feel better soon!

  3. Found you thru a Facebook group for granny square crochet! I too love the granny squares & continuous join! I wish you well on your journey of ridding yourself of your scraps....I am also on that mission! Feel better!

  4. Hi Jenny,
    Hope you feel better soon, I love your beautiful giveaway, how generous of you.
    Looking forward to seeing what else you are making.loving your color combo's

  5. I love your new project, a great scrap buster, and we all have plenty of scraps right?? the colours are lovely. Well done to Pigtails. Hope you feel better very soon chick.

  6. Hello I just found you on pinterest and now im following your blog...can you tell me if you know where I can get help crocheting granny squares and putting fabric on the back? My email is if you could help me thank you

  7. Hope you feel better real soon
    Tracey x

  8. Thanks everyone! I'm glad you like it. And I'm all better now. Was very active yesterday and today!
