Monday, June 16, 2014

And The Winner Is...

And the winner of the June Give Away is: Natasha Rizhik! Congratulations! I hope your little one will enjoy the garland. 
I wanted to say I'm sorry about telling you guys to leave your email in the comment. Apparently this is not a good idea, because of spam. I really wasn't aware of that, so I offer my sincere apologies. It is best to write your email address out like this: colorandcream1 at gmail dot com, or put in spaces between letters, so it's still possible to figure out for a human being, but not for a computer.

I'm trying to get a bit more organized right now. Since my business is growing, it's becoming more and more important to manage my time smartly. That's why I have a big new pin board and all new sticky notes (from HEMA). Aren't they pretty? This makes planning much more fun! I especially like the ones in the left lower corner. And the arrows too...

This is part of my pin board. I decided to just use a soft board, from ceiling to floor, since that takes up less space of my white wall. I really LOVE it a lot. Oh, and soft board is crazy cheap. It only cost me about 8 euro's...

So that's what I'll be doing the next few days. And working on my custom order blanket (and making a tutorial on that during the process...). Oh yes, and I've almost finished the next Flower Square Tutorial! It''ll be in the Color 'n Cream Shop this week! 

Have an anything but blue monday!!


  1. Yeeee! Thank you so much! My 1year old Paulina will love it! I think it's a clever idea with emails!

  2. Congratulations Natasha.
    Great idea to organize your work on a board. It will help you to use your time smart.

    Have a happy day, Margaret

  3. Hi Roberta,
    Thank you! That's a big compliment. I love your work too!
