Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Craft Room

The light is soo beautiful today! Although my photography doesn't really show... I couldn't resist to take some photo's of my craft room. I painted the peach wall white after all... It turned out just the way I wanted and doesn't leave a peach glow on, well, everything!

And this is what my table looks like today. Some fresh flowers, some crocheted flowers, some yarn and a doily I'm working on as a custom order. How do you like it?

It's so much fun, but still quite difficult. I keep on pulling everything out, until it looks just the way I like it. Making doilies isn't my specialty. That's kind of why it's extra fun! And you all know how I LOVE pink...

I'm actually toning it down a little bit. I was crazy stressed these last few weeks, because of the market, the shop and my little one, who, turns out, has Lyme disease. As some of you might have noticed, she gets sick a lot. But we finally know why. And we are treating it, but it will take some time. She is home a lot and only attends school for half days. That kinda blurs my attention on the Color 'n Cream part sometimes.

But as much as I can, I seek refuge here. In my lovely Craft Space. I turned everything around and it is starting to end up the way I like it (you know I might change it again tomorrow...) I made a big pin board (not in the pic's yet) to get some more clarity in what needs to be done, to reduce the stress a bit.

For the ones interested: the Cotton Yarn Pastel Color Combo is available right now in my shop. There will be some more combo's available later this week, or maybe next week.

We are going camping this weekend, for the first time in a tent. It's exciting and I'm looking forward to it a lot. I hope the weather will be just like it is today!

Have a sunshiny day!


  1. What a colourful and inspiring room :)

  2. LOVE the color combos and the room! We are going tent camping this week also...but it won't be our "first rodeo". :-)

    1. It looks like we can't 'cause the little one has an ear ache again... But I'm sure we will do it later this summer. Think it will be lots of fun! Enjoy your trip!

  3. Votre atelier est vraiment très joli. Vous avez du goût pour les belles choses. xxx

  4. So sorry to hear that your daughter has Lyme disease! I was just listening to the radio this morning about a woman who had Lyme for 29 years before it was diagnosed (she got it at age 11). So thankfully your daughter was diagnosed young so she can start treatment and hopefully feel better soon. Love your blog and love your colors!!

    1. I'm really grateful we found out what's wrong with her. She has had it since she was 1, and she had all kinds of issues. Now we know what it is, we can treat it and she'll probably totally recover!
      Oh, and thanx for the nice compliments!

  5. Cute, colorful and tidy! What a perfect craft room :)

  6. Your craft's room is absolutely lovely: a dream for someone who enjoys crafts!
    I'm just reading a book about Lyme's disease (in French, so I don't know if it has been translated) as I was bitten by an infected tick a few years ago. I hope your little girl will get the necessary treatment to deal with the symptoms.

    1. Thanx Sandra, we are treating it in an alternative way and I trust she will be A-okay in a few months. I hope you are ok too!

  7. This is one of the most beautiful craft room I have ever seen!

    1. That's so nice to hear! Thanx for the compliment. I'm glad you like it!

  8. Super om foto's van je kamer te zien. Kan er echt van genieten. Ik kan me voorstellen dat wit een handigere ondergrond is voor al jouw kleuren. Heel veel sterkte met je kleintje en hoop dat de behandeling goed aanslaat.

    1. Blij dat je het leuk vind en er zo van geniet. Daar doe ik het ook voor. En wit was de enige optie... Gek dat ik altijd zo eigenwijs blijf, terwijl ik dat natuurlijk allang wist...Fijne dag verder!

  9. Oooo, I love your craft room :) How fun to have a space like that to create in. Sorry to her about your daughter's Lyme disease (my son had it too when he was around 8 years old)...I hope things will turn around for her now that you know what's going on. Have fun camping!
    Smiles, DianeM :)

    1. It's funny that you say that. I must admit, I didn't really worry when we heard she had Lyme, I was just happy we finally knew what was wrong. She had all sorts of weird symptoms that no one could explain, and now we know. I'm sure she will be fine! Thanks for your comment!

    2. You have a craft space to die for you lucky girl, and yes its good to have a space to chill out in.Sorry to hear the your little one is not well at the moment, hope she is better soon x

  10. O wauw, I wish I had sutch a beautiful room :-(.
    I' m so jealous ;-)
    Manny thumbs up for you ♡♡♡
    Greetz Esrher VO

  11. Very cute :-) What is that Audrey Hepburn tin/box for? I have a similar one that had mints inside.

    1. Yes, it's a mints tin. I got it from Luxemburg. I use it for my darning needles now. I collect little tins and my man always brings them for me from each country he visits...

  12. Beautiful craftroom! I also have a tin, and I decorated with a crochet cover, like you! (and like many other fans of weaving, I guess). I hope your daughter is better soon. As a nurse, I advise an infallible ingredient in all medical treatment: lots of cuddling. I guarantee that in children, makes the difference! Muchos mimos para tu niña, entonces!

    1. Thanks for the advice! I have to say, I cuddle with her as much as possible. And she loves it too! We are two cuddly bears together. Makes my day each time!
