Monday, May 19, 2014

And The Winner Is...

I never had as many responds to a Give Away as this month. It's a great confidence boost, for me and my choice of colors. I picked a winner and that winner is.... Rie from Tasmania!! Congratulations Rie! 

I've finished 2 cushion covers and am working hard on a tutorial on how to make a crochet cushion like mine and on the new crochet pattern flower square. I will try to finish them both this month, but it might be June... My man is on a kite surf trip and my youngest is a little under the weather, so my time is kind of scarce right now. 

Been making coasters for the Amsterdam Maker Festival like crazy. Another 10 days to go...

I will keep you all posted. Excuse me for the short post...

Have a summery day!! 

PS. The 10 yarn combo's will be available this week. I will post it on Facebook


  1. Congratulations Rie! Good luck on festival! Waiting for cushion tutorial, can't find neat way of attaching back side of cushion cover to the front... Once again good luck and thanks for opportunity to win. xxx

  2. Congrats Rie! A happy day for you indeed :)

  3. Congratulations, Rie!! Enjoy your great prize :-)

  4. Congratulations Rie. Enjoy your gift. The colours are beautiful together. Well chosen.

    Enjoy your summery day, Margaret

  5. Yay for me!! Thank you so much... whatever shall I make with it? Something for me, for the house, for my baby girl ...hmm, the list is endless!
