Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Crochet Balls

Long time no see! But here I am. Been taking some time off to do some crochet and get some other things going. But as you can see, I have some inspiration for you now!

My craft room is still in need of some decorating and I wanted to make some fake flowers or something, to color things up a little. I decided balls would do the trick... And they do!!

As many of you know, I'm not the amigurimi type, but I figured, I needed to give balls another try. This is the result. I will definitely be making more of these. The flower ball is a new design and I like it even more! Hmm... I feel the need of another tutorial coming up...

It's lovely don't you think? I will experiment some more with colors. I'm so happy if I learn new skills. Who knows, maybe I'll be making amigurumi's shortly... Not likely though!

I'm now preparing for the Amsterdam Maker Festival, which I will be attending with my fellow Etsy team members, Ka ching. I have to make lots of Coasters, designed 4 Post Cards (Yes, they will be available at the Color 'n Cream shop soon!!) and am figuring out what to take with me to sell. It's very exciting, and nerve wrecking, really. It's a bit scary too...

Oh, before I forget... THANK YOU SO MUCH for the great responses to my May Give-Away! I was totally overwhelmed. I finally decided I will be selling some yarn in my shop. But it will be Color 'n Cream color combinations only. I always combine lots of different brands as you know, and I will make my combo's available for you. There will be a try-out next week with 10 sets of 5 balls in my Pastel Combo. I figure, you will need to be quick about it, but we'll see. I still need to get into the details for ordering more...

Well, I'll leave you for now. My promised tutorials might take some extra time, because I didn't think of the festival. Does anyone have requests for the 'Mastering The Basics' series??

Have a stormy day!!


  1. Those little balls would look fab as a hanging mobile of the solar system. The one with the frill couild be a cute version of Saturn :)

    1. I totally agrees with you Lil ! I was thinking of cute Saturn ring! :::Silvia

    2. Me too... I like your thinking!

  2. Nothing like waking up to see a post like this. First the cute little balls...LOVE them! are going to try and sell yarn...but not just yarn..Color n' Cream color combos. Wow..To be able to buy all the yarns already put together...what a dream come true. I reallllly hope this works out:). If it doesn't, I totally understand..Just you trying for all of us is so kind of you.
    Can't wait to see if you have time to do a tutorial for the balls!
    Have fun at your Festival!

    1. Sorry for my late response. I really love your comment! You made my day. Have a happy weekend!

  3. Can't wait to see the yarn combos, hope they will be able to ship to Norway.
    Good luck at the fair!

    1. Norway is no problem! Yarn balls, here they come!!

  4. How cute and funny balls. I'll try ... although I'm also not the amigurumi Type.

    1. We have to get out of our comfort zone every now and again, to keep on learning, right? Have fun with it!!

  5. I crocheted when I was a young girl. Its been a long long time. Now a grandmother of 4. Your patterns are very inspiring. I started looking for my hook and yarn again. Thank you. You're truly a genius and kind hearted to share with the world. I love you. May Allah bless you.

    1. Thank you Rohay, for your very kind words. I am happy to inspire you and hope to get you crocheting again! Have a nice weekend!

  6. I've just discovered your blog and what a lucky find! Beautiful colours and pictures. I've added you to my favourites already. The yarn packs will be brilliant♥

    1. Thanks Bernice! Sorry for the late response, it's been kind of hectic here! Happy to inspire you!

  7. The flower ball is really sweet! ♥ Some kind of Saturn flower ;-). Have a sunny day!

  8. Thank you! Have a sunny weekend!!
